domenica 24 maggio 2009


Vi rimandiamo a questo interessantissimo studio del Fr.llo Isaiah Coffey pubblicato su dal titolo: Salomone il mago. Consiglio di usare un traduttore di pagine web oppure Google traduttore a coloro che non conoscono l’Inglese.

(nella immagine: Re Salomone, Hiram Abif e Hiram di Tiro)

Magick has been equated with the act of being sinful, evil, sinister and ungodly even, however, nothing could be further from the Truth. Many are not aware that we use magik in some form or fashion during our daily lives. Prayer, itself, is even a form of magik. Anytime one calls for his surroundings, context or environment to change and to conform with a will and desire and invokes this change by means of a greater power… that, of itself, is a form of magik. [Reference - 1st definition] One will find this basic definition within countless esoterica literature. I did not construct this particular post to offend or to disrespect any one’s particular creed, doctrine or religion; I wrote this post for the exploration of awareness. By Brother Isaiah Coffey Clikka qui per andare a leggere  tutto l’articolo. 

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