domenica 3 maggio 2009


Il 25 aprile scorso abbiamo pubblicato il Post Humanum Genus che ha attirato l'attenzione del fr.llo(?) Stephen S. Brettell che così ci scrive: 

"First, I apologize for my lack of Italian. Humanum Genus is an interesting document for many reasons.  First, for me, is that it is so often referred to by those who are not only, not Roman Catholic, but are often members of religious groups who are in open opposition to the RC Church. Secondly, in the United States, the basis for the Pope's opposition to Freemasonry, as enumerated in the document, are the principles upon which our democratic republic is based.  Most of those who are most vocal about the evils of Freemasonry also claim to be super patriots, and yet argue from a document that is directly opposed to the most basic tenets of our political society. Finally, and as it would seem generally, many Roman Catholic intellectuals simply ignore it.  One of my primary objections to the structure of the Church is this multi-tiered system.  There is a church for the pious little old ladies and other peasants, who say their rosary instead of paying attention in Mass, and who, at age 80 are still confessing to not honoring their father and mother; then there is the church of the parish priest, which is often just a job, performed in a cynical manner (nb:  I've know many profoundly religious parish priests); and finally there is the church of those in the know.  The scholars and religious, who seem to look a bit askance at all of the others. Some of these are Freemasons, in spite of the repeated condemnations of the craft by the bosses."

Stephen S. Brettell